FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Welcome to our online store specialising in 35mm and 120 film photography! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to assist you:

Q: What types of film do you offer?

We offer a wide range of 35mm, 120 film and instant film options, including color negative (C-41), black and white (B&W), and slide film (E-6). We carry popular brands like Kodak, Fujifilm, Ilford, Lomography, Dubblefilm and Streetcandy

Q: What is the difference between 35mm and 120 film?

35mm film is the most commonly used film format, offering a frame size of 36mm x 24mm. It comes in a cartridge and is suitable for 35mm film cameras. 120 film, also known as medium format film, has larger frames and is typically used in medium format cameras. The frame size varies depending on the specific medium format camera used.

Q: Can I use 35mm film in a medium format camera or vice versa?

No, 35mm film and medium format film are not interchangeable. Each film format requires a specific camera designed for that format. Using the wrong film can damage your camera and may result in unusable exposures.

Q: How many photographs/exposures can I expect from a roll of film?

The number of exposures per roll depends on the film format and the camera you're using. For 35mm film, you can typically get 24 or 36 exposures per roll. In medium format 120 film, the number of exposures can vary, ranging from 12 to 16 frames per roll, depending on the camera.

Q: Do you sell expired film?

We do not sell expired film. All the film we offer is fresh and well within its expiration date. This ensures the best quality and results for your photography.

Q: Can you provide recommendations for film types or brands?

Certainly! We understand that choosing the right film can be overwhelming. Feel free to reach out to our customer support, and we'll be happy to help you find the perfect film for your specific needs and preferences.

Q: Do you offer film processing services?

We have partnered with The Bigger Picture in Cork to provide a mail in Film photography development service. You can purchase a voucher to get film development here

Q: How do you ship your products, and what are the shipping costs?

We ship our products in protective biodegradable packaging to ensure their safe delivery. Shipping costs may vary depending on your location and the weight of the package. You can view the shipping options and costs here or at the checkout before finalising your purchase.

Q: What is the difference between a film camera and a digital camera?

The primary difference is that a film camera uses traditional film rolls to capture images, while a digital camera captures images electronically and stores them digitally. Film cameras provide a unique aesthetic and shooting experience, while digital cameras offer instant feedback

Q: Are film cameras still relevant in the age of digital photography?

Absolutely! Film photography has experienced a resurgence in popularity among photography enthusiasts and professionals. Film cameras offer a distinct look, dynamic range, and color rendering that many photographers appreciate. Additionally, shooting with film encourages a more deliberate and mindful approach to photography, especially in this age.

Q: Are there any advantages to using a 35mm film camera over a digital camera?

Film cameras have their unique advantages. They can produce a distinct film aesthetic, often characterised by subtle grain, rich colours, and a unique tonal range. Film also has a higher latitude for capturing details in highlights and shadows, which can be appealing for certain types of photography. Many photographers enjoy the tactile experience and slower pace that film photography provides. When you get your film developed, it often includes prints which many people enjoy as it is so rare nowadays to print photos from your digital camera/phone

Q: Do film cameras require batteries?

Most film cameras do require batteries, although the type and purpose of the batteries vary. Batteries are typically used to power the camera's light meter and other electronic functions. It's important to check the specific camera model's requirements to ensure you have the appropriate batteries for proper functioning. For cameras on our store, we always add the battery that is needed in the description of the camera, and a link to purchase.

Q: Are film cameras more difficult to use than digital cameras?

Film cameras require a bit more understanding and practice compared to digital cameras, particularly when it comes to exposure control and film handling. However, with some basic knowledge and a little practice, shooting with a film camera can be an enjoyable and rewarding process. Many photographers find the limitations and slower pace of film photography to be creatively stimulating.

Q: What is your return policy?

We strive to provide excellent customer service and ensure customer satisfaction. If you encounter any issues with your order, please contact us within 14 days of receiving the product, and we'll be happy to assist you with returns or exchanges based on our return policy.

Q: Are there any discounts or promotions available?

We occasionally run promotions and offer discounts on specific products. To stay updated with our latest offers, you can subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media platforms where we announce any ongoing promotions.